The Reasonable Price, Highest Quality Well log Scanning Services
Logdigi,LLC provides well log scanning, the highest quality, and the fastest well log scanning service.
Negotiable Price can decrease your cost.
Convert paper log to tiff image digital log within 10 seconds
Accommodate order large and small, rush or long term
Well Log Scanning - Digital Geophysical Logs LOGDIGI recently initiated a program to digitally scan paper copies of well logs using a scanning device designed specifically for this application. Well logs can be converted to digital form in two basic formats-vector and raster. The most common file format used for vector digital logs is the Log ASCII Standard (LAS). Raster-format digital logs are simply images of the logs from a scanner, usually stored in TIF format. Well logs can be converted to digital form in two basic formats-vector and raster. The most common file format used for vector digital logs is the Log ASCII Standard (LAS). Raster-format digital logs are simply images of the logs from a scanner, usually stored in TIF format.